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My cat's name is Alice, she is two and a half years old and all my family loves her. She is brown, black and white, she is very caring and sometimes stupid ( she bumps and hits everything). We brought her from Italy, where I lived and come from, because I would have never been able to part from her. She did more than a day of airplane and didn't create any sort of problem.


We found her in my auntie's uncle's shed, she was living with hens and sleeping on hay. Her mother had had four kittens and she was the smallest and most fearsome. As soon as me and my sister saw her we knew we were going to take her home with us. As we always say: " it was love at first sight".


We had to fight against my dad, who absolutely didn't want an animal in his house, but when he saw Alice also he couldn't say no. We had to go through a lot of trouble to then bring her with us on the plane, because we wanted her to sit next to us, in fact she had to do 4 vaccinations in 1 month. When she arrived in Colombia, we can say she loved it because she had a garden all for her, while in Italy we lived in an apartment and had a terrace, although big, it wasn't the same. In fact she' always outside!







One of my favorite board games i Monopoly because i really enjoy having a little kind of "business" and i also find very interesting the way it teaches you how to use your money better, so it shows you how not to use it otherwise you go in bankruptcy. To play Monopoly i's really easy, sometimes in board games you have to read the instructions ten times before getting the game, but instead in this game you immediately understand it. Although, it's better to play with a person who already played at it.


The reasons i like this game, it's because i enjoy plying at it with my cousin in Italy. I really like it because he usually fakes he's losing and doesn't have money, but when he needs something, the money magically appears, so we find out he's actually is rich. He's very lucky at board games! Instead i  [not very able to play at it] (i can't make quick decisions).


Naturally because I live in Colombia i can't play at it because my dad doesn't plays bored games very often and my sister doesn't like to play and if she does, she only likes doing the bank, in fact to play you need three or more players otherwise it isn't fun and it also depends with the people you play with. When i play Monopoly, it often brings my bad side out, naturally not if i'm winning, although i don't show it a lot ( at least i think and hope). I think one of the mayor reason that i like Monopoly it's because as i said, i don't often play at it. 






[Did you ever ask] yourself, what food can i eat tonight? Well, when I propose this question to myself,f the majority of the times ( maybe it's because I'm Italian) I think "PIZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!". This is my favorite food, in fact if you would ask my friend and family, even without thinking ( I think, no, I'm sure), they would immediately, without hesitating, shout out pizza.




I really like pizza because you can choose whatever topping you like and I really like the way the "mozzarella" tastes with the tomato sauce and pizza dough. My favorite pizza is the ( in Italian) "bufalina". This is delicious and when you eat it you melt for how good it is. The pizza is made by, naturally the pizza dough, tomato sauce and "mozzarella di bufala" ( these cheese is similar to the normal mozzarella, but it's softer and comes from a different animals milk).



Naturally, not all pizzas are as good as the Italian, but in all the countries I've lived, they weren't bad, in Jakarta, I can't remember how it was ( I was really small), in Bangkok the pizza was pretty good, in Spain it was actually very good and in Colombia, it was actually pretty good. In concolution I can say I LOVE PIZZA!!!! 




My favourite food

Did you ever ask yourself, “What season do I prefer?” I think It’s very difficult to choose because personally my favorites are summer and winter. I think its because of the snow and sea!
I really like winter because you can ice-skate, ski, snowboard and do many other wonderful snow sports. My favorite one is skiing, although I can’t do it a lot because my sister hates it. Personally I can say I’m a pretty good skier, in fact after the forth time I skied my teacher said I could do competitions. Anyway I’m also a good
Ice-skater, but a terrible snowboarder! Another reason I love winter its because of the snow and the wonderful things you can do with it, especially the landscape.
My other favorite season I love, as I said… is… summer! I love this season because you can go to the beach. I really enjoy it because I can have fun with my friends and play summer sports like beach volley. Although I think sometimes it’s too much hot. I also enjoy it because I can hang out with my Italian friends for more than a week and have fun together. 

What's your favorite season?

I think that love should be blind to family differences because, what if you love someone you think you can't never be with or reach because you come from different backgrounds ( religion, work, house...)?I think this matter, is unfair and I think the only thing that matters is that the two people love each other and naturally are both humans. 


I think that love is blind and the important thing is that the couple love each other and are happy together. They should be free to do what they want. Why should someone or something go against them, if the two people are in love?


Sometimes parents or friends could be the ones who would want, if they don't like it, to separate the couple. I think the opinion of your family and friends is always important, but the most important thing is to follow your heart. In conclusion I can say that people should love who they want, and it should be blind to family differences.

Love who you want

Did you ever wish something really badly??? Well, since my sister and i were 2 we really wanted a dog. My parents always said we would get it, but the little puffy friend never arrived. Although we were sure that, in someway, we would get one.


One time we wen't to a lady's hose, who had a lot of dogs and would sell them. When we arrived she shawed us all the dogs she had, but i didn't really like them because they were all wrinkely and very thin. Then at the end the lady showed us some coker spaniel and they were beautiful, especially a llitle browna nd white female and i completely fell in love with her, although we coulden't get her.


Finally my siter and i convinced our father to get us a dog, although it was hard he finally decided himself. We are very happy although we are limited in our choice because it has to weigh less than 8Kg and about 20cm high because 

in the airplane it has to be reaaly small. Anyway we decided a female pomeranian and we are very happy with our choice. 

My new dog!

Have you ever read a tragic love story? Well, in my English class we are reading Romeo & Juliet. This is a drammatic story with a twist at the end.


Romeo, from the Montague family and Juliet from the Capulet family, meet at a party thrown in her house, but as we know they are star-crossed lovers because they come from rival families. They go through many problems together and try to go through them. Although, when Romeo kills Tybalt, Juliets cousin and gets exiled, what will they do?


The plot is full of positive and ngative surprises. As the book goes on the play gets very interesting and unexpected. Although we all know the end, the whole play is wonderful and very nice to read.

Romeo and Juliet

Experiences of 2014...

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